Gastric Sleeve Surgery Pros and Cons

As Gastric sleeve surgery continues to grow in popularity, so does the unanswered questions. Here are things you need to know about gastric sleeve surgery should you consider going for it. Gastric sleeve surgery also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy, vertical gastrectomy, or gastric sleeve is a surgical weight-loss procedure that involves removing part of the stomach […]

Guide to Types of Weigh Loss Surgery

Guide to types of weight-loss surgery Bariatric surgery helps you lose weight and reduces your risk of medical problems linked with being obese. Bariatric surgery contributes to weight loss by Restriction and Malabsorption. In restriction, surgery is used to physically limit the amount of food the stomach can hold, which limits the number of calories […]

Gastric Bypass Surgery Pros and Cons

Gastric Bypass, otherwise known as Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass is one of the treatments of obesity or morbid obesity. The Gastric Bypass procedure is conducted by creating a small pouch in the upper part of the stomach and stapling it to reduce the size of the organ. Next, malabsortion of nutrients and calories is provoked by […]

10 Must-Knows Before Bariatric Surgery

Medical procedures may change certain behaviors in a person. Moreso, Bariatric surgery may change specific attributes. Below are ten things you must know before undergoing bariatric surgery. 10 Things To Know Before Bariatric Surgery This entry was posted in Pre-Op and tagged bariatric surgery, weight loss surgery. Bookmark the permalink.

Tools and Tips for After Weight Loss Surgery

The journey to a perfect ‘Lighter Dream’ come true does not end with bariatric surgery. There are things you’ll do or need to achieve your goal. After undergoing bariatric surgery, you’ll want some of these items to make a long-term weight loss dream. Tips for Maintaining Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery After bariatric surgery, you […]

Benefits of Bariatric Surgery

Obesity is a severe health condition that is very hard to treat. A lot of people have made serious attempts to lose weight through diet, exercise, and medically supervised weight loss programs, but have failed. In these cases, bariatric surgery is done as a last resort treatment option. Obesity is associated with several medical conditions. […]

When Losing Weight Do you Feel Drained?

Change is difficult for many people. When working on your weight loss goals, your mindset and body go through so many changes. You will get used to changes that you make now with time. The same applies to weight loss; your body reacts to the differences between two weeks to three months. Several mechanisms may […]

Celebrating Halloween after Weight Loss Surgery

Marking the border between autumn and winter, Halloween is a time of celebration and superstition. Halloween has its origins in Celtic paganism, where the New Year was a time when ghosts and spirits emigrated to sadness, and the Celts treated the ghosts by giving things. Years later, the favorite holiday became synonymous with funny costumes, […]

Guide to Weight Loss Surgery Types

Bariatric surgery assists you in losing weight and can lower any risk of medical issues that come from obesity. How does weight loss surgery help you lose weight? There are two significant reasons weight loss surgery helps. Restriction. Having weight loss surgery will physically limit how much food you intake. Your stomach will not be […]

Maintaining Your Weight After a Bariatric Surgery

Weight loss is important for overweight or obese individuals. This isn’t because skinnier people look better, no. Losing weight means becoming a healthier, happier, and better version of yourself. You should not think that just because someone is overweight does not mean that they have let themselves go. There can be varying factors that affect their […]