Preparing for Weight Loss Surgery

Major operations such as a gastric bypass need preparation before the actual surgery. Preparations are needed to prevent complications during the surgery and ensure success after the surgery.

For any bariatric surgery in Mexico, the preoperative preparations are about diet. Doctors or surgeons inform patients or clients ahead of time of the necessary diet to follow before the surgery.

Thankfully, we at Lighter Dream Bariatric Services are here to provide an overview of the necessary preparations before a weight loss surgery.

  • Why is a preoperative diet needed?Before having weight loss surgery, all patients must follow the preoperative diet. This diet will assist in shrinking your liver, which will make surgery safer and simpler for your surgeon.
  • What are some examples of diets that are needed?The preoperative diet we require for some patients is often based on their BMI. For instance, a person with a BMI of 30 will have a 2-day diet program with clear liquids only. However, the duration or the type of diet will be based on your doctor’s instructions.

Before receiving bariatric services, a patient is required to fast at least 8 hours before surgery. Any food or liquid is unallowed before the surgery.

Our bariatric in Tijuana, Mexico, ensure your body’s safety by providing preoperative preparations. If followed, it will lead to the surgery’s success. If you want to learn more about our procedures, contact us today.

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